With bated breath...

by Dan Stout

Coming soon:


Pumpkin Challenge 2014

I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.

Acer R7-572

by Dan Stout

I'm in love with this new computer. I haven't had a convertible tablet since my old Toshiba Portege died five or six years back. 

I picked up an Acer R7-572 after being drawn in by its vibrant 15.1" -N-trig-pressure-sensitive-general-bad-ass screen.  My old Toshiba had a Wacom digitizer, but I've found that the combination of capacitive touch and N-trig makes for a much more intuitive interaction. For example, in Manga Studio I can draw with the pen, then slide, rotate, and resize the canvas with my left hand. This mimics the real world ability to attack a canvas/paper from multiple angles, a technique that was technically available before, but in a much slower, more cumbersome form. 

I also was able to pick up the Acer at a steep discount, around $500 refurbished. Looks like it didn't sell enough units.... perhaps because it wasn't marketed right, perhaps because it couldn't overcome the Acer stigma. I've only had it a couple weeks, but it seems to be a well-built, solidly engineered device.

The largest issue is the placement of the touchpad, which has been moved above the keyboard. I use a usb mouse in the office, so it doesn't bother me there. When using the R7 to draw, the trackpad placement is an advantage, as I can still access keyboard hotkeys if I choose. (I can slide my hand between the back of the collapsed screen and the keyboard. It kind of feels like playing the accordion, and I sometimes pretend I'm Weird Al Yankovic. I mean, I did that before, but even more now.)

The Acer Aspire R7-572 can be researched in depth at http://forum.tabletpcreview.com/

I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.

Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes...

by Dan Stout

Week's vacation in a cabin, found this guy nestled by the front door on the way out.

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I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.

The Bulldog Ant is Not a Team Player

by Dan Stout

Short Story in Print!

I'm very happy to say that my short story, "The Bulldog Ant is Not a Team Player" is included in the latest Plan B Magazine anthology.

I'm sharing space with authors who have written some terrific stories, and had a wonderful experience with Darusha Wehm, who edits both the anthologies and the regular Plan B Magazine website. 

The anthology is available at Amazon here and my story will be up in rotation at the Plan B website, if you'd like to check it out for free.

This is my first time being published, and I couldn't have hoped for a an easier, more writer-friendly experience. Thanks to Darusha and everyone behind the Plan B site for helping out this newbie.

Plan B - Volume IV: a mystery and crime anthology (Plan B Anthologies)
By Frank Byrns, Laird Long, Daniel Marshall Wood, Adam Howe, J. M. Vogel, Michael McGlade, MJ Gardner, Dan Stout, Lavie Tidhar
Buy on Amazon

I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.

Ahh, the holidays....

by Dan Stout

Time to set up the Halloween tree!

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I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.

Now THAT'S a fruitcake...

by Dan Stout

I'm not a big fan of cake, but I love fruits: watermelon, strawberries, blackberries, etc. 

So for a recent special event, my particularly clever girlfriend presented me with this work of ingenuity... 

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I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.

Pics from Hamlet's Fool

by Dan Stout

A while back I'd promised some photos of Peter Cutts's show Hamlet's Fool

Delivered at long last!


I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.

Write1Sub1 update

by Dan Stout

Accomplished a lot this week: wrote two stories and entered my first flash competition over at Liberty Hall, which was really fun. I also polished up a couple of older stories and I'm much happier about their structure now. 

Considering all that, I was somewhat shocked to find that I hadn't submitted anything this week. I had a number of things ready to at resubmit-- I guess I just never actually put them out the door. But in all honesty I feel so good about everything else I got done that I'm okay with that. 

Plus, it means that my report for next week should be all the more impressive...

I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.