Book of the Dead in Sculpey

by Dan Stout

I've been meaning to try out Super Sculpey, and ​inspired by some Necronomicon projects (both from Lovecraft and Evil Dead versions) I whipped this up. 

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This is coming in on the half way point-- it needs detail work and paint, but it was fun to get it this far.​

​I'd seen this version of the Evil Dead Necronomicon some time ago, and when I was doing research I realized that it had actually taken the place of the original in my mind. So I just embraced that and borrowed heavily from it.  

If I were to to ​do it again (and I might) I would really play up the notion that it was erupting from the cover. I did pull back the faux leather, and the piece I included in the sculpt is nice, but it's not enough, and is really only noticeable up close. Also, I'd sculpt the teeth then wrap them with the excess leather I cut out, so that they would appear to be formed from the cover itself. 

​Meh, live and learn. 

I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.

Write1Sub1 lessons

by Dan Stout

I'm still working through the Write 1 Sub 1 challenge this year. Inspired by Ray Bradbury, it's a challenge for writers to write and submit one short story a week, every week for a year.  (The challenge can be modified to one a month if the original concept isn't practical for you.​)

Being new to W1S1, I'm chalking this week up to a learning experience. I got a lot of writing done, but didn't finish anything. I spread my time out among too many pieces, and I was guilty of jumping from them when they got to a difficult stretch.

I think that I need to pick a single project for the week, then focus on that with all of my core writing time. If I'm able to do work beyond that, I can move to something else. (Kind of like a reward for doing the tough slog of the other stuff.)

In any case, I'm looking forward to putting this into practice this week, and seeing what the results are.

I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.

Fungus Among Us

by Dan Stout

Just a quick mention of Fungi Week over at Weird Fiction Review. ​You know, like Shark Week, just slower and more insidious. They're promoting the publication of Fungi, a new anthology of weird fiction incorporating fungus in some fashion. WFR is also highlighting some great fungus photography, short stories not found in the anthology, and other variations on the theme.  (In a measure of self-restraint that far exceeds my own capabilities, they don't have a single headline declaring that they're putting the Fun back in Fungus.)  Anyway, it's worth checking out.

And now, a fairy ring growth in a pleasant suburban yard:​

By User:Mrs skippy (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By User:Mrs skippy (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.

Blind Date with a Book

by Dan Stout

The Worthington Library is running a "Blind Date" promotion for Valentine's Day. They have a shelf in their entryway of books wrapped in brown paper bags, with hints of story within. If you're intrigued, you can check out the book (barcode is revealed on the back), take it home, and find out what you've gotten. 

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I picked the one labeled "Murder..." and decorated with bloody Valentine's hearts.  (I know, big shock, right?) I got my blind book-date home and unwrapped it to find...

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And yes, I love it.  

Looks like the author managed to sell it as a series. Nicely done, Mary Lou Kirwin!

Anyway, I mostly just wanted to give a shout out to the Worthington LIbrary for a simple but ingenious promotion.

I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.