Mini-movie review: SANTA JAWS

by Dan Stout

For our Christmas Eve viewing, my lovely wife broke out a low-budget gem I'd never heard of... Santa Jaws.

We were expecting a casually slapped together, barely coherent CGI mush. Instead, it's a well-executed film that fully embraces the silly concept and is a fun watch from beginning to end.

The production values are surprisingly high, with sound, cinematography, and lighting all better than expected for a film with this kind of budget. The plot has holes but we were having too much fun to care about them.

Now, this film *definitely* benefited from us coming in with low expectations. I don't want to over-hype it or you'll be disappointed.

But it's one of those films where a talented director and crew made the most of what they had to work with. And that alone is kind of a Christmas Miracle, right?

I'm Dan Stout, a joyfully collaborative storyteller who loves rocket ships, dinosaurs, and monsters that skulk through shadows.